I think it's about time to restart my blog. Knitting has been taking over my life and I'm trying to figure out why and what to do about it. Maybe if I share some of my thougts on knitting, I can work through some of these issues. So, here goes, Hippy Chick Knits V2.0.
And I'm so excited, one of my nieces is learning to knit...Yeah! She writes a pretty mean blog herself, so I hope a little of her blogging style rubs off on me.
Here is the initial advice I gave her based on my own experience over the last 4 or 5 years:
1. you do not need a death grip, neither the yarn nor the needle are actually trying to kill you. (though if you ever get to sock knitting, those needle do find interesting ways to stab you.)
2. wool is your friend - if a scarf isn't working out - bind off, throw it in the washing machine on hot, felt the crap out it it and ta da you have a pot holder.
3. once you learn the basic stitches it will go faster and even become relaxing
4. oh the pretty colors......
5. if you are struggling - try bigger needles and light, solid color yarn so you can see what you are doing; fiddly small needles and dark or highly varigated yarn are a challenge when you're starting.
What other advice to you give to new knitters?
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